Just need to get out my head.
The thoughts keep coming.
The insanity is real.
I try to redirect myself ,I cannot deal.
The contemplation is real.
To silence my self.
Why must I torture myself.
The downward spiral never ends.
Out of control into the darkness.
The pain within oozing out.
Nothing seems to feel that void.
The insanity is real.
Looking for comfort in dark.
Loneliness consuming the soul.
Searching for the meaning of light only to feel the dark.
Suffocating in plain view.
What will anyone do?
Smother me with out ever hearing my words.
Taking on the mortar role never knowing the truth behind the words.
Never seeing truth only seeing what they want to see.
Can they truly see your pain.
To busy listening to their own words.
Screaming in silence longing to be heard.
Don’t suffocate me with the shallow words.
Egotistical self bleeding over always wanting more!
Don’t tell me you love me
Don’t tell me you need me
Release me from your hold
relinquish me for these ties
You keep me in a box hidden for yourself
Do you remember who I am
Do you see me screaming from a distance
Trying to escape the reality I’ve created
Feeling like I’m loosing control
My emotions running high
Can I escape
Driving fast as I can trying to remind myself I’m alive. Would the shattered glass awake me
I need to feel something more to escape this insanity
Its plaguing me to the core
I need more